Thursday, February 09, 2012

2012 Dragon Dance

The Dragon starts into Clallam Bay.

Here we go again!  The biggest dance, yet.  We're still on the sidewalk, but for the first time we had spectators lined up all the way to the co-op to watch. 

Next year:  town banner and ginger throwing candies?  We'll see!

Fireworks? Don't worry -- he's with the Fire Department!

Sarah Grafstrom leads the way, drumming
 Got a film of it too, noise and all:

Friday, February 03, 2012

Raised Bed RAISED


The raised bed done!  Took me two days of hard digging and organizing to build this thing.

Here's the new chicken coop -- the final one!!!! -- and the Girls. 

I have learned a construction secret:  NEVER use nails or other permanent fasteners when building semi-permanent structure.  This is all screw and pin nails.  It lets me get the pieces back out if the next step in the scrap-building process does not quite work out.

Scrap building is really hard; you have to think about everything, like a three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle.  The back of raised bed looks crappy because I didn't have enough good stuff -- the nice little cedar boards Denny Eichhorn gave me last year from another building project teardown.  

Gonna plant flowers around the edges of this thing, so it will be pretty and afford food and shelter for predatory insects.