Billions of gorgeous mushrooms this year; biggest chanterelles we've ever found. Honeys, white oysters and puff balls.
Hadn't gone fishing in four years, since we lost Spuds. At his end, I'd been fishing and gathering seafood only for him, and was missing him too much to go collecting again. Back to picking up nice little greenling off the beach. They were only yanking the bait off my hook, until I muttered, "First one grabs it, I stop fishing for today, smash up the rest of the bait and throw it in. So somebody come help me feed your brethren." BAM -- fish on. Smashed up the bait, threw it in, took the one fish home. Nice greenling, which provided too lovely fillets and a sweet backbone for bone crackers.
No fishing yesterday; our neighbor brought over a couple pounds of fresh halibut. Fried up in lard with black pepper and sea salt made of seawater collected from Clallam Bay, boiled in an old pot on the wood stove. A gallon makes about 3 ounces of Fleur de sel. Because of its mineral and iodine content, it's entirely cut back on our salt cravings. It's excellent when used for Live Salt (my term for the fresh grains thrown on a dish at the last moment to spark the flavor).
Built a THIRD chicken coop and it really is a chicken tractor, now. Easy to move, a lot easier to clean, and more accessible for eggs, while retaining security.
The people we got the hens from stuck us with a skinny gray rooster -- who has grown up into a nice, quiet, masculine silver, who only crows a little at dawn, and all the girls love him. The neighbors say he doesn't bother them. Nice deep body on him, too -- if he sires chicks, they may be nice for egg-laying. Dunno; will have to see. His name is Blue. The hens are named Red, Black, Splash, and Inky.
We are SO ready for the rains -- and getting back to some real drawing and writing.
1 comment:
I gotta get me one of those big old cast iron pans.
With Traci no longer living here, I don't have to consult anymore.
Remember when Mom beaned Dad with one of those that she kept hanging on the wall across from the kitchen sink...?
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